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Are you are in your mid-40s? Do you feel lost and confused about the phase of life called Perimenopause?

Have you been finding it difficult to remember, concentrate, understand or explain things?

Have you lost your confidence?

Do you wish you are who you were?

Do you get hot flushes during the day or night and find it difficult to sleep?

Do you feel you can no longer do your job?

Is your relationship with your partner strained and you feel divorce or separation is the best option?

If you are in your mid-40s, it could be that you are in the phase of life called Perimenopause and, like 60% of women (surveyed by the National Library of Medicine published in 2022), are not informed at all about it. 
This causes more anxiety, as you do not understand why you feel the way you do and conclude that something sinister is happening. 

“There has to be a better way to find out & prepare for perimenopause and gain access to additional support if needed."

We want to ensure that you have access to accurate, science-backed information and resources so that you can be empowered and equipped to navigate the emotional and physical challenges of perimenopause confidently.​​


Our goal is for everyone to be a perimenopause warrior


Subscribe for tips to help minimise Peri symptoms

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